Saturday Morning…..

Hello Sunshine!

I love you Craigslist! Scored this Italian fountain on Craigslist for $300. Still in the middle of installing it but just had to post. And no, It is not going to remain off center.
Special thanks to my husband Vince who paid for this and to my sister Elizabeth who broke her back helping me move it and my brother Chris who helped me put it all together! It takes a village, people! 


Till next time……

21 thoughts on “Saturday Morning…..

  1. The garden is breathtaking… Your photos are like something from an English Country Living magazine… I’d love to come and see it and you too!) neinah/gillian

      • I just got back from Portland (I love that town – I could shop till I drop – and do…, every time I go there!!!)
        How would next Tuesday or Weds work???

    • I am! The thing was such a beast to get over here from Seattle, but so worth it. The sound is wonderful and the birds love it.
      I hope you are seeing more sun than usual over there.
      Have a lovely weekend.

      • We’re seeing some sunshine with thunder and lightning – regular power cuts too which are a bit of a nuisance 😦
        I forgot to say how lovely your blog looks now – I like the darker background as it really makes your flowers pop!

      • Still raining? WTH? I will speak to the weather gods on your behalf. England needs some sunlight STAT!
        Thank you for noticing. I showed it to my husband to get some feedback but I think his mind was on other things….oh well

  2. Wow great score on Craigslist!!!– How lovely to find another person who treasure hunts there. And it sounds like you are just up in Seattle, and your garden is incredible, and you like it all grown together like I do. Hugely nice to meet you! –L

    • Aha, sistuh from another muthuh!
      Thank you for the compliment, you are too kind.
      I only wish that I lived in Oregon- Friendly vibes, good sales and incredible antique shops, and food, etc, etc.
      My daughter is going to school in Portland, and so I am leaving tomorrow to stay at her place for a few days.
      My dream (When my husband retires and the economy improves) is to dig up my garden and move it all to Oregon. I always feel like I’m home when I’m there.
      Nice to meet you too!

  3. Hi There
    Happy end of the summer – we’re finally getting some consistant warm (?) sunny weather. Your new blog format is wonderful. The black makes all the photos pop. Beautiful fountain. Diligence pays!

  4. Wow, your gardens might just be the most beautiful I have ever seen! I am trying but have a long way to go with mine 🙂

    Have you ever thought of writing up any design schematics, or general plant lists for others to start with with some of your photos? You’re very talented, I would love to learn!

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